NECK INJURIES2018-08-15T19:51:39+00:00



Neck injuries are one of the most common injuries from traffic accidents, and the symptoms are not always present right away.  That’s why you need an experienced New York City neck injury attorney to represent you.  After a car, bus, truck, or bicycle accident, it’s a good idea to check to see if your neck has a full range of motion. Gently moved your down and around in a circle and notice if there is any pain with this movement.  Our necks are less protected than other parts of the body, and what might feel like a slight twinge initially could be a herniated disc, a torn ligament or even a slight fracture. This is all the more reason you should seriously consider taking an ambulance to the hospital directly from the scene of an accident.

It’s also a good idea to call an expert New York City Neck Injury Attorney to find out what you might need to do right away to preserve your rights.  At Wittenstein & Wittenstein, we’ve been holding client’s hands through their cases for over 60 years. Let us work on the legal aspects of your situation, while you focus on returning to full health.  Please call us for a free consultation at 718-261-8114.

Strains and Sprains (Whiplash)

Whiplash is the lay term for mild traumatic injuries to the neck.  Sensitive tendons, muscles, and ligaments work together in your neck.   A strain of the neck is when the muscle or tendon is suddenly contracted or stretched.  A sprain is when the ligaments are stretched or torn. It is very difficult to diagnose a neck problem with any certainty without Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) films.  With an MRI, a doctor can determine the extent of your neck problem and recommend the best treatment.

Herniated Disc

The neck (cervical spine) is made up of discs with a hard shell and a soft gel filled interior.  This works to absorb force and protects the spine. When the gel inside the disc protrudes, due to trauma or degeneration, this is known as a herniated disc.  Symptoms include a shooting pain that radiates down the arms, numbness or tingling and muscle weakness.

A herniated disc is usually diagnosed with an MRI and clinical testing of reflexes, range of motion and pain level.  Treatment is usually a combination of physical therapy, chiropractic treatment, pain relievers and muscle relaxants. Rarely, surgery is necessary to relieve the pain.

These are the most common types of traumatic neck injuries from traffic accidents.  If you have sustained an injury to your neck, you should seek medical treatment and consider suing the negligent party for compensation.  Please call Wittenstein & Wittenstein for a free consultation at 718-261-8114


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