Car Accident2019-12-19T07:02:17+00:00
top car accident attorney


If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you should have the best possible car accident attorney at your side to help you collect the compensation you deserve as quickly as possible.  You will need your medical bills and lost earning paid right away, and a law firm with the clout to get you the highest settlement or verdict for your pain and suffering, lost future earning and other claims.  We are the top car accident attorney in NYC because we fight hard for our clients and provide the most caring personal service during the entire case.



It’s best to get medical treatment as soon as possible after an accident, ideally taking the ambulance the police offer you at the scene.  With the shock of a car accident, it is not always clear how serious your injuries are, so it’s a good idea to be checked out immediately.  This also helps your case because it provides the best evidence that your injuries were related to the accident and that your injuries are serious.  If you don’t take the ambulance to the hospital, you risk waking up the next day with medical problems that would have been better handled sooner and the police will likely write on their report that you were “not injured.”  It is possible to overcome a list of “not injured” on a police report, as people are often in a state of shock and not aware of the extent of their injuries right away, but it always better to get things off to the strongest start possible.


In most cases, whether you are a driver, passenger, pedestrian or bicyclist, your medical bills, lost earnings and out-of-pocket expenses will be paid by insurance for an involved car.  This insurance is commonly referred to as “no-fault” insurance.  If you are working at the time of the accident (driving a taxi, an aide in an ambulette, on a sales call, etc.) those benefits will, in most cases, be paid by Worker’s Compensation.  There are many gray areas, such as a taxi driver returning a car to a base or a salesperson using the company car for a lunch hour, where it is good practice to apply for both no-fault benefits and worker’s compensation, sometimes letting those carriers fight out who will pay.  Health insurance will not pay benefits for medical treatment for a car accident.


If you have full coverage (collision) insurance on your vehicle, you will be able to collect money to repair your car quickly, no matter how the accident happened.  Without this coverage, it might not be possible to collect money for property damage right away.  A police report that says you were stopped at a light and hit in the rear is ideal, and the insurance for the car that hit you in the rear will probably pay to fix your car quickly.  On the other hand, if it is not completely clear how the accident happened, there could be a substantial delay.  If your car is valuable, it’s always a good idea to carry full coverage.  A top car accident car accident attorney will assist you with collecting compensation for the damage to your car.


Since medical providers cannot accept health insurance for car accident injuries, it might not be possible to go to your regular doctor for treatment.  It is often difficult to find high-quality medical providers that accept no-fault insurance.  Most chiropractors and physical therapists are happy to take it, but it can be challenging to find specialists such as orthopedists, neurologists and plastic surgeons that accept this coverage as the payout rates are lower than most health insurance rates.  We can help you find great doctors that take no-fault insurance.


It’s not always clear at the onset how serious your injuries are.  Diagnostic tests such as MRI’s shed light on the severity of soft tissue injuries that show up as negative on X-rays.  If you have pain, it is important that you follow up with getting this type of testing and any other treatment that the doctors and therapists recommend.  Once you have finished with treatment, we can begin working on settling or litigating your case.  We always make sure to obtain all the evidence before negotiated, so that your case is strong.

If you have any questions about car accidents, please feel free to call us for a free consultation.  We are the top car accident attorney in NYC because we help you every step of the way through you case, getting you benefits quickly and prosecuting your case to collect the highest settlement or verdict possible. Simply contact us at 718-261-8114 or, and we can help you decide how to take the next step.


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