3 Types of Electrical Hazards and How to Prevent Them

There is no question that hundreds of millions of people the world over have come to rely on the modern convenience of electricity. Indeed, the whole reason I am able to write about this subject is because of electricity. However, with every benefit, there is a downside. There are a number of electrical hazards you should be aware of. Knowing how to prevent them is one of the best steps you can take to keep you and your family and friends and employees as safe as possible. Keep these potential red flags in mind.

Electric Fires

Electrical fires are those that are caused by electrical difficulties, such as sparks or a short circuit. There are some common red flags to look out for. Be on the lookout for cords that are worn and frayed. Be aware that you should never cut out the prong from a three-pronged cord to make it fit into a two-pronged outlet. Avoid overloading circuits, and refrain from running extension cords under carpets.

Arc Flash

Arc flashes are a nasty electrical anomaly that can cause a lot of serious problems. Indeed, more than 2000 people suffer arc flash injuries and are treated for them in burn centers every year. Naturally, if these arc flashes happen while a person is on-the-job, this can lead to a number of other headaches in the form of an OSHA inspection at your workplace. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to prevent arc flashes from occurring. Performing a hazard analysis, cutting down the available fault current, shortening the clearing time, adopting a remote operation, predicting and preventing faults and redirecting the blast energy are all ways to prevent an arc flash.

Wet Conditions

Operating electrical equipment in wet conditions is a huge no-no. It can cause such things as a tremendously increased risk of electrocution, and this risk is magnified if the electrical equipment has poor insulation. Of course, these unwise procedures in the workplace can also lead to some serious OSHA investigations as well.

When it comes to the workplace, you need to understand as much as you can when it comes to electricity and electrical safety. An ounce of prevention is a pound of cure, and an electrical accident can definitely open you up to an immense amount of liability if you neglect to do your due diligence ahead of time.

If you have been injured in a construction accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Talk to Wittenstein & Wittenstein today!

2019-05-16T13:59:30+00:00By |0 Comments

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