Should I Divorce My Attorney?

If you’re feeling ignored, unappreciated and misunderstood by your attorney, it might be time to consider a divorce. Unlike a real divorce, dumping your attorney is relatively easy because New York law gives clients the unfettered right to fire their attorney at any time and for any reason. You don’t even have to tell your attorney that you want a divorce, you can simply find a new attorney, sign papers and they’ll be notified. You wouldn’t keep going back to a restaurant where you hated the food and they treated you badly, so why are you sticking with an attorney you can’t stand? If you don’t like how your negligence case is being handled and/or you can’t stand the sight of your attorney, you can simply call another negligence lawyer in Queens. You can substitute your attorney on the case. Wittenstein & Wittenstein has successfully resolved hundreds of cases that originated with attorneys that were incompetent, inefficient or just plain annoying. Please feel free to call 718-261-8114 for a free consultation if you’re not satisfied with the representation you’re receiving from your Queens, Manhattan, Bronx, Staten Island or Brooklyn car accident attorney.

What To Expect From a Negligence Lawyer in Queens?

When you hire a negligence lawyer in Queens, you should expect to be consistently informed about the status of your case, including all offers of settlement that are extended by the responsible parties. For example, at your initial consultation you should be given as much detail as possible about the merits and flaws in your case, the expected timetable for settlement and/or trial and an overview of what will be expected of you during the pendency of your case. If you had a fender bender or a minor slip and fall, you should be leery of a negligence lawyer in Queens that promises you millions of dollars in compensation and a fast turnaround. The amount of compensation you collect will depend on the severity of your injuries, the degree of fault on the part of the responsible parties and the amount of insurance coverage for the loss. Every Queens, Bronx, Manhattan, Staten Island and Brooklyn car accident attorney knows that most vehicles have New York state minimum liability policy limits of $25,000 per person and $50,000, making collecting “millions” impossible in most cases.

How To Divorce Your Attorney

If you’re being pushed into accepting a settlement that less than you believe you deserve, you’re being ghosted by your attorney’s office or the thought of your attorney simply makes you ill, it’s easy to change attorneys. The law in New York provides the unfettered right to clients to change attorneys at any time and for any reason. For negligence cases that are handled on a contingency fee, the attorneys will negotiate what they are entitled to collect for fees when the case is resolved – this isn’t your problem. Your new attorney will have you sign a retainer and a “consent to change attorney” form that will be sent to your old attorney. If you have an ongoing case and are considering divorcing your attorney, call Wittenstein & Wittenstein, the negligence lawyer in Queens that’s trusted by more accident victims than any other firm.

2022-03-08T11:49:40+00:00By |0 Comments

About the Author:

Alyce Wittenstein is a world class attorney, blogger and filmmaker. She began working at the firm in 1985 as a managing paralegal, learning all the practices and procedures of the firm from Mr. Wittenstein and the staff. From 1995-1998, she attended CUNY Law School where she made a mark as a teaching assistant for Civil Rights leader Haywood Burns. She founded a Human Rights Delegation to Haiti and studied Constitutional Law with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Working at the Equal Opportunity Employment Commision (EEOC), she learned a great deal about Employment Discrimination matters. She brought her knowledge of the Personal Injury practice and her passion for Civil Rights to the firm when she was admitted to the Bar in 1999. In 2000, she became a partner and the firm name was changed to Wittenstein & Wittenstein, Esqs. PC.

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